Fulcrum City is the capital of MidMerica.
Fulcrum City is a post-mortal metropolis located toward the center of MidMerica in the Mississippi River.
Formerly called St. Louis, the Thunderhead renamed it Fulcrum City after dividing North America into regions. The city served as the meeting place of the scythe conclave. There was once a giant silver arch on the river bank, but it was destroyed in the Age of Mortality by terrorism.
Capitol Building[]
- Main article: Capitol Building
It holds the administrative offices of the MidMerican Scythedom, as well as hosting its conclave three times a year.
Fulcrum City AI Offices[]
- Main article: Authority Interface
The Offices of the Authority Interface affairs in Fulcrum City.
Fulcrum City Galleria[]
It has a food court. Luigi's (Esme's favorite pizza place) is located there.
The Arch[]
It was known as the "Gateway Arch" in the Age of Mortality. It had stood on the western bank of the Mississippi River until it was brought down by terrorism. Only the two ends remain reaching towards the sky.
The Scythedom tower[]
- Main article: The Scythedom tower
The tallest building in Fulcrum City.